Planning for long-term care

With reports that the cost of long-term care is continuing to spiral at almost double the rate of inflation, many Brits are becoming increasingly concerned about their future and the safety of their assets. A report from industry analysts LaingBuisson has found that many older people living in care homes are paying more than £1,000 [...]

2020-02-17T11:31:10+00:00March 12th, 2020|News|

The importance of encouraging staff to take annual leave

Many companies across the UK will have experienced the pre-Christmas rush for staff to book time off before the holidays. This can lead to under-resourced workplaces and disgruntled employees, who are either unable to use their holiday allowance or left with an increased workload as a result of multiple absences. Encouraging staff to take time [...]

2020-02-12T11:27:19+00:00February 12th, 2020|News|

The importance of prioritising employee health

It’s been proven time and again that a healthy workplace is a productive workplace. Both physical and mental illness can have a significant effect on an employee’s productivity, whether it be in the form of absenteeism – sick days that take the employee away from the workplace – or presenteeism – when employees feel pressure [...]

2020-02-12T10:41:47+00:00December 2nd, 2019|News|

How to create a strong and supportive workplace culture

We have all had conversations with friends complaining about work. But when a person really hates their job, it can make an enormous difference to their wellbeing. More often than not, it is workplace culture that brings employees down, causing increasingly negative feelings that spread from work into every aspect of life. And it is [...]

2019-11-15T10:18:32+00:00December 2nd, 2019|News|

Looking Ahead to the Office Christmas Party

It feels like we’ve only just come to the end of a long summer but the Christmas adverts have already started to crop up. With the festive period just two months away, there is one key event that many of us look forward to and dread in equal measure – the office Christmas party. As [...]

2019-10-15T12:00:02+01:00October 29th, 2019|News|

Dealing with Conflict in the Workplace

Thanks to the Western world’s obsession with social media, conflict is now never more than a click away. Although social media may once have been intended for connection and cohesion, platforms like Facebook and Twitter have fast developed into online battlegrounds where insults are frequently traded over even the most inoffensive content. Thousands of accounts [...]

2019-10-15T11:59:20+01:00October 22nd, 2019|News|

Taking a Stand for all the Right Reasons

Everyone who’s ever worked in an office knows that the desk is the nemesis of a healthy work environment. It’s no coincidence that the word comes from the Italian word for butcher’s table because who hasn’t felt like they’re on the chopping block when sitting at their desk all day without a break. Chained to [...]

2019-10-15T11:58:11+01:00October 15th, 2019|News|

Flying Without Wings

You will no doubt have seen the news that Thomas Cook has entered compulsory liquidation and left more than 150,000 holidaymakers stranded abroad. After 178 years in business, the firm’s collapse has triggered the largest ever peacetime repatriation. Even though the government has already brought thousands of Thomas Cook customers home, thousands more remain trapped [...]

2019-10-08T18:54:38+01:00October 8th, 2019|News|

Are You Interested in A Career in Financial Services?

We are proud to offer a range of work experience and internship opportunities across the Vintage brands to those interested in and passionate about a career in financial services. We’ve welcomed ambitious and entrepreneurial interns, many of whom are studying for degrees in accounting, business, economics, banking and mathematics. As well as a supportive and [...]

2019-09-16T16:09:12+01:00September 16th, 2019|News|
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